Friday 2 February 2007

Population Debate III

I really liked Waq’s last entry and totally agree on the point that we have to

“teach the culprit 10% of the population who drive high powered cars, fly with individual jets and travel 10 times a year, and heat their castles to learn some energy saving”.

Nevertheless, I still stand by my point, quoting Tesco, “every little helps”. By cutting down on usage of these devices, travelling less and doing more teleconferencing does help as the Malay saying goes, “sedikit-sedikit, lama-lama jadi bukit”. We should not be selfish and just care for the duration that we are alive on this earth. How about our next generation? We now blame our forefathers for the industrial revolution and using up all the resources without thinking of our future. Now, researches are being carried out to further improve efficiencies of power consumption and increasing the usage of greener energy.

I am not saying that all governments should impose drastic measures to curb population increase. All I am saying is that these political leaders should not take this matter lightly and look for ways to encourage population control by means of incentives to those who exercise family planning.

In conclusion, human beings are diverse in every sense and every one is a unique being. We don't even share the exact replicate DNA. Hence, what are the chances that we all can agree on one solution regarding an issue? Being a complex society as we are, there exist a hierarchy of needs to be satisfied and all of us try to satisfy our own needs, family needs, community needs, national needs and further down the line, global needs. With global needs being the least important desire on our individual mind, I rest my case.

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